Friday, November 12, 2010

Factor Forward

So I decided to factor 420 for NO REASON WHATSOEVER.

And I came to 2 2 3 5 7

and due to my escapades in project euler, I looked at those numbers and said "Huh, what if they were concatenated to form a new number?  and the factor of THOSE???"

well, as it turns out - 22357 has the factors 79 and 283

and 79283 is - itself - a PRIME

OOOoooohhhh goody.  I due hope that all numbers can reduce to the concatenated form of their divisors.  I'll keep you posted on the result after I create the program and run the first 1000 or so numbers.


SO - this is how it goes my little mathletes:

Unfortunately some of the numbers continue to blow up beyond a limit.

The fastest way to run this test was to first create a nice little list of prime numbers below N.  easy peasy according to THE sieve.

My first list was only up to 1 billion (I use only here in jest)

AND I tested 1 - 1000

well, up to 1 billion pre-created prime tests:  (DRUM ROLL please)

592 reached a prime -- 406 of them grew beyond 1 billion

thats - a yes for an election atleast . . . . :O(

BUT - if I bump my precreated list to 5 billion

WELL, from 1 to 1000 had THIS outcome

641 reached a prime - 357 grew beyond 5 billion! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !  - OH HAPPY DAY

WELL, while I was typing this update - I was rendering another outcome

Survey SAYS:

from 1 to 10,000   under 1 billion

4071 reached a prime - 5927 blew beyond 1 billion



ok, well, as i type this - MrCool is cranking out 1 - 10,000 under 5 billion

we shall see. . . . . . . . .


  1. I wish I understood half of this, haha :D my mathskills has been put far back in my mind, it's twisting just from reading this, lol
